Receiving tenure or progressing in rank as a Librarian or a Lecturer-line faculty member is a significant milestone in our careers, and yet it also leads to introspection and reflection on what comes next. What will be the next research project and how will I begin? Is now the time to explore new teaching methods and expand my repertoire of courses? What resources does the university have in place to help me succeed in this new phase of my career? In addition to the mentoring that recently promoted faculty receive within their departments and their colleges, the office of Faculty Affairs offers a mentorship program to support faculty at this important and exciting moment of transition.
All faculty who are interested in attending are invited to participate. We will meet five times per year, and faculty can choose to attend as many of these workshops as they want. Those who attend all five will receive a certificate of completion.
These in-person workshops will be scheduled for Friday mornings from 10:30 – 12:00 p.m. with lunch afterwards. The second half of the program will include one workshop on an additional topic that the group has identified as helpful and important. Speakers will include faculty, staff, administrators, and other topic experts and there will be opportunities in each workshop for semi-structured conversations in small groups to integrate the topic more personally. The program will conclude with a workshop in which we will reflect on what we’ve learned over the year and celebrate our accomplishments.
Participants will leave the year with a community of faculty colleagues, a mentoring network map, a professional development plan, and increased knowledge of the topics the group chose to focus on. Please contact Orianne Smith (osmith@umbc.edu) if you have any questions.
Here is a list of participants, resources, contact information for the speakers, and slides from the presentations. This list is restricted to participants in the “Recently Promoted” cohort.
Recently Promoted Mentoring Program Schedule: AY 23 – 24
October 13, 2023
PAHB 428
10:30 a.m. – noon (with optional catered lunch afterwards)
Workshop #1: Mentoring Maps and Individualized Development Plans
At this workshop faculty will begin filling out the UMBC Faculty Mentoring Map and will be provided with an overview of the different categories of mentors and supporters. Faculty will also be asked to begin working with their departments and others to fill out an Individualized Development Plan (IDP) to assess their skills and develop a clear plan of action in this transitional moment that aligns with their core values, integrating professional and personal growth and satisfaction. This workshop will include opportunities for writing and reflection as well as group discussion.
Prior to the Workshop: Listen to the NCFDD Core Curriculum Module on “Cultivating Your Network of Mentors, Sponsors & Collaborators.”
Recommended Reading: “Do Your Career and Work Values Align?” (Inside Higher Ed)
November 10, 2023
PAHB 216
10:30 a.m. – noon (with optional catered lunch afterwards)
Workshop #2: Aligning Your Professional Goals with Your Core Values
Our research, teaching and service are extensions of who we are as individuals, and the choices we make in life both professionally and personally should reflect what matters the most to us. At this workshop faculty will take time to think about what they’ve learned about themselves and their core values in the process of developing Mentoring Maps and Individualized Development Plans, and we will continue to discuss how integrate these values into our working lives with a focus on self-care and self-efficacy.
Prior to the Workshop: Listen to the NCFDD Webinar, “Academic Life: What’s Mindfulness and Compassion Got to Do with It?”
February 16, 2024
PAHB 428 (English Department Conference Room)
10:30 a.m. – noon (with optional catered lunch afterwards)
Workshop #3: How Does the University Work?
The work of a professor is much more than the traditional components of research, teaching, and service. As professors we have the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of our students, and to participate and contribute to the intellectual life of the university.
You may have a terrific idea for a new course or an initiative that could benefit our academic community but feel uncertain about next steps and how to move forward. This workshop will provide an overview of the structure of the university, including the role and responsibilities of faculty-led committees such as the Faculty Senate Faculty Affairs Committee and the Undergraduate Council as well as units that work closely with faculty such as the offices of the Provost and Information Technology. Particular attention will be paid to how these committees and units work together collectively to advance UMBC’s mission and vision. The discussion will center on how to work within this system to advance leadership goals and to effect meaningful culture change. Speakers will include representatives from these various branches of administration and shared governance leaders.
March 8, 2024
PAHB 216
10:30 a.m. – noon (with optional catered lunch afterwards)
Workshop #4: Interdisciplinary Opportunities at UMBC
This workshop will provide an overview of the facilities and programs at our university that house and promote interdisciplinary/collaborative research and teaching, including the Imaging Research Center (IRC) and the office of Research and Creative Achievement. Speakers include Anita Komlodi, Associate Director of the IRC; Carole McCann, Chair, Interdisciplinary Activities Advisory Committee (IAAC) and Special Assistant to the Provost for Interdisciplinary Activities; and Karl Steiner, Vice President for Research and Creative Achievement.
April 12, 2024
PAHB 428
10:30 a.m. – noon (with optional catered lunch afterwards)
Workshop #5: Working Within the System to Promote (Radical?) Change
Utilizing the resources that have been shared over this past year, this workshop will provide the opportunity for participants to strategize about how to work collaboratively to promote change (radical or not) at the university. We will brainstorm in small and large groups about how to transform our good ideas, big or small, into actionable items. In addition, we will spend the last half hour finalizing our Mentoring Maps and Individualized Development Plans, reflecting on the challenges and opportunities over this past year, and celebrate our accomplishments!
Finding your people is critical to the success and wellbeing of our faculty.